With so many model, type, brand and price range, probably choosing best one is difficult enough for you. But there are several tips to help you find best musical instrument.
So if you planning buy acoustic and confuse choosing and deciding, i will help you through this simple tips about how to choose good acoustic guitar.
1. Right Type
Generally there are two type of acoustic, the classic and folk type. Classic guitar using nylon string have deep bass mellow sound and very good for play classic song, flamenco, and finger playing, good for you if you like play classical music and finger style because have lower tension string and width of fretboard
The folk type is using steel string, it's havimg more clear, bright and chirpy sound and very good for play metal and jazz song.
But this type is more difficult to play because your finger need press string strong enough. Best for you if you want to play metal, jazz. Hawaiian music or other modern songs.
Must read : Different between acoustic and classic guitar
2. Neck and fret board width
Neck and fretboard is where your left hand playing, the neck and fretboard of every brand have variation width, mostly classic type is more width and folk more slim.
For best choice make sure you choosing neck guitar have width area that your left hand finger can comfortable and play easily, don't choose if your finger feel not comfortable and hard to playing.
3. Sound quality
Checking sound quality is important and the only way is you play the guitar and hear the sound, play all fret of guitar and make sure there no false tone.
If you are beginner and cannot do that, you can ask your friend that can play guitar to test sound quality, or if you want to buy acoustic guitar online, you can read review made by customer to help you deciding what guitar that have great sound.
4. Brand and quality
The large brand like Yamaha, Fender, Gibson, and other popular brand having good quality acoustic guitars, but it more expensive than other branding.
The other brand also have good quality acoustic guitars, so don't be stupid choosing big branding guitar if you can find cheap one with same quality.
You will get more help if you like to see review about acoustic guitar, and you can find in this blog too, so check out my review about acoustic guitar in this blog.
5. Price range
"great product need big cost"
Only buy guitar with reasonable price, if you are beginner it very foolish if you purchase hundred dollar guitar event you only need for learn, be smart to choose, there are lot acoustic guitar with good sound with price under $300 , non ever expensive guitar is more good than cheap one, if you choose carefully you can find good guitar with good price.
6. Reading review
Last thing you can do to know all information of acoustic guitar is read review, no matter its from newspaper or music magazine. It help you find detail of guitars without need buy it first.
For simple step, you can start find review about acoustic guitar here in this blog, so take time to read, you will know spec, advantage, and other info here.
Final word
That was several tips for choosing good acoustic guitar for beginner, this tips isn't a perfect and expert tips but I hope this simple tips can help you find right guitar. So what do you think?
"Good song is not from great instrument but from good player, but good player without great instrument is wasting time".
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